Crime Solitaire
- Unique gameplay
- Incredible locations
- Solve crimes!
- Check out our Blog Walkthrough
- OS : 10.4
- CPU : 800 Mhz (INTEL ONLY)
- Memory : 256
- Hard driver (MB) : 49
Recensione per il gioco: Crime Solitaire
In Crime Solitaire, il Sindaco di Topley e il Capo della Polizia ha promesso di salvare la forza dalla vergogna applicando antica e poco conosciuta leggi. Come un rookie alla forza di moderno-giorno Topley, è il tuo lavoro, a caccia di una nuova razza di criminale e della società.Guadagnare promozioni e utilizzare power-up come esplorare la città e girare il dipartimento di polizia di tutto!
Enjoy familiar favorites like solitaire, bingo, poker, dominos, and game shows.
4035 Punti
(vista: 87)
Età: 3 ANNI E FINODescrizione Del Gioco:
Virtualmente libero, il Topley del Dipartimento di Polizia di statistiche per risolvere i crimini sono... imbarazzanti. Ruotare il dipartimento attorno!
AFERON - BigFishGames
This game is very relaxing (to me). One of those I play often when I am tired of more challenging ones. It is on the level of a "no-brainer" and sometimes I want that. To sit on an off-day and just play a game that challenges some times and quick play-through at others; this is one of those games. One of the best solitaire games offered with a little twist that you have to choose who the perpetrator of a made-up crime is.
I really enjoyed playing this game ! It was so different and interesting to play !!! I highly reccomend this to anyone to play !!!!! :)
love all big fish games.. everytime I venture off to another game sight .... well ... I always come back to big fish... the games are so cool ..even grownups like me like big fish
This game is very addictive. I am not a solitaire player. Actually, this was my first time. I've played this game for almost two hours and it was very fun. I was trying out the game because my mother spends hours on solitaire and I wanted to see if this would be something she would like. Well, I ended up liking it for myself:-) The jazz music that plays in the background is so fun. This graphics are nice and the game is kind of quirky--especially the "crimes" that the characters commit--wearing a too-tall hat at the movies, for example--in this almost crime-free town. Really fun.
Different way to play solitaire. I liked it. Not brain numbing like the standard game.
Relaxing solitaire game with only a few hands needing the use of powerups. There are 50 cases to solve and multiple locations per case, thus providing hours of gameplay. Newspaper articles of these "off the wall" cases are interesting to read. Logic is used to eliminate the suspects and issue an arrest warrant. Earning all the awards is a daunting task, especially the ones requiring speed.
I think I have found my new 'fairway'. The aforementioned game is my benchmark for this style of game. Whilst it is not quite as quirky (commentary wise) as this game it did hold my interest owing to the silliness of it all the 'crimes' were plain ridicules but that is part of the 'charm' for me. Even though the game stated that it had three different levels of difficulty I was not able to see this as I played on the hardest setting and managed to get perfect first time on most and just took me two or three attempts on others, so I couldn't understand the differences in the difficulty levels (admittedly I didn't try the others), having said that if this is just a 'random' card game then surely they should not really be differing skill levels then does that mean that it is not a truly random game? There is a 'wild card' feature in the 'wheel of misfortune' which can produce a positive or negative result. You gain promotions the further on the game you play and these then reward you with features such as 'undo' (there is probably more the further you go but I am basing this review on the hour free trial). An addition to this (from Fairway), is that you can get 'combo bonuses' not only from linking several cards together but also for things like matching cards quickly and getting a 'house' on one turn (not actually achieved this yet so don't know what the bonus is for this), but it keeps your interest on what could possibly be a 'bog-standard' solitaire game. If you like this type of game it is well worth the hour trial, but are you really going to let the 'baddies' get away after this?
I have played for a few minutes and like a lot but does anyone know how many crimes there are (how long a game?). I would guess it would not have much replay value - at least for the crimes?
This game adds more challenge then just beating chance and luck. Quick movements, The crime solving part is really a secondary aspect that is no challenge, however just try to get all the trophy's. So take this Solitaire game on, I am just playing it again. Still just a bit maddening like it was when it first arrived.
Be sure to read the "newspaper". This game is so funny! I have been playing pc games for years. I also have been playing cards since I was hold enough to hold them in my hands. Remember "Go Fish" and "Old Maid"? I have been searching for a good solitaire game for awhile. I haven't finished this game yet. I was just too excited to wait until I finish it. I highly recommend this game!