Legends of Atlantis: Exodus
- Over 50 exciting levels
- Beautifully rendered HD locations
- Exciting mini-games
- OS : 10.7/10.6
- CPU : 1.2 GHz (INTEL ONLY)
- Memory : 256
- Hard driver (MB) : 456
Recensione per gioco: Legends of Atlantis: Exodus
Atlantis è di fronte alla fine dei giorni e tocca a voi per salvare le persone e il loro regno in Legends of Atlantis: Exodus! Enormi onde di marea sono spazzando via le sue coste, i terremoti scuotere le sue montagne, i suoi campi sono in fiamme e le sue città sono cadendo a pezzi. Si sono in missione per aiutare a evacuare le persone e raccogliere antica Atlantide artefatti sulla strada. Dare priorità i vostri obiettivi e di mettere la vostra benevola Regina segreto piano di azione in prima devastazione affonda le città di profondità sotto le onde!
Metti alla prova capacità di osservazione e manualità nei difficili livelli di questi veloci giochi arcade e azione.
3539 Punti
(views: 123)

Atlantis è di fronte alla fine dei giorni e tocca a voi per salvare le persone e il loro regno in questo nuovo ed emozionante gioco a gestione del tempo!
AFERON - BigFishGames
Mission-based, construction/repair-based make up some of my favorite time management games. Add the option to work through it untimed for days I just want to relax and I am sold. Legends of Atlantis has an interesting story line, rather than restoring villages, you need to rebuild enough infrastructure (like sawmills) to rebuild roads and clear debris to allow the good citizens to evacuate. Gameplay resembles Roads of Rome and My Kingdom for the Princess, and with more than 50 levels I foresee hours of fun ahead.
This is one of the best building games I've ever played it has a little bit of everything gorgeous graphics, great story, adorable characters, great music and never ending fun. This is a building game where you gather your resources, clear debris, build sawmills, wells, mines and rescue villagers along with that this also has some match 3 and hidden objects thrown into the mix. You have your goals to meet and yes this can be a challenge the further along in the game you go but if you don't get the gold the first time around you can replay the level this also has a relaxed mode as well for those that don't like the timer. This one also offers power ups to help you meet your goals quicker also it has the fortune machine where you spin and click and see what you get it will give you extra resources either bricks, wood, water, and the sun is the wild card. The levels are fun and long and this is a lengthy game which is loads of fun from start to finish. I've played many building games but this one by far is my absolute favorite it has everything you are looking for in a great building/ time management game. This game is solid and has all the replay value you could ever want. This is one that will never get old and be just as much fun every time you play it. This one really stands out it's fun, challenging, and gorgeous it is the total package. Give this one a try I don't think you'll be sorry it's absolutely awesome. Thank you Big Fish for this wonderful game and please keep these coming we want them, we play them, we love them and this is one of the best.
Thank you Big Fish! This game is really fun, I love builder/TM games so I tried the demo and knew I had to buy it. The minigames add a lot of fun too. Even though I don't like HO games, it's fun as a minigame cause you know the next level will be different. I've been a member of Big Fish for several years without posting reviews, but I do want to give praise for this game. Good Work!
with all these builders being released, This is a very fun game, reminiscent of "Roads of rome," Adorable animations, lots of levels, (as you would expect in a builder) just plain fun, AS you can imagine by the title, the end of the world is near, and its your job to prepare the population. its not too clickity click, there is a casual, and timed mode, the custom curser was a little flighty, but turning it off worked fine. if i had anything bad to say, it would only be that the icons to collect resources could be a little bigger. or brighter..
I really enjoyed the resource management strategy potential in this game. But I REALLY love that I can play it in Relaxed mode and finish at my own pace. This my first TM buy that I actually stayed interested enough to play the whole thing and it didn't feel like make-work. I also learned to love the little intermittant M3 ball drop game, it got more interesting toward the end. The interspersed Hidden object scenes were not necessary, however. Graphics were not very good in these HOS, but I'm assuming they were more tailored for the ipad app of this game than my PC. Luckily, there were not alot of these. I played the whole thing in about 3 days.
A fun time management game. This one is up there with Roads of Rome and My kingdom for the princess. Not to much story and the tasks are easy to understand, I like that kind of games. The little minigames are fun as well and even though it is simple there is hidden humor in the texts. One of the best things is that the game is not over in an instant like so many games these days.
I love, love, love this type of game...I am getting very sick and tired of the same old HOGs. Thanks for making another time management that gives you something different. The graphics are quite nice and it keeps you hopping for the hour that I played it. The characters are amusing and you really have to pay attention to certain things to get an expert score every level. Which is what I ALWAYS try to do; if I don't then I keep replaying the level; lol! Please make more of this type of game!!!! Thanks!
I liked this game and I especially loved that I could play in relaxed mode! I am one of these people that like to take the time to look around at every thing before I get going on the game. THEN I can go back and play expert mode if I so desire! Another buy for me!!
I was really leery of this game at first because of the picture on the cover. I thought it might be one of those, let's see, take your choice, gory or hogs. I don't mind the hogs as long as they're not full of doom and gore. It just seems like there's been months of those! This game was SO refreshing, so different, so intriguing. Just as you think it's about to end, it goes on and on. I never got bored! I played for 3 days! Some of the levels took me between 15 and 20 minutes a piece. But I was playing on relaxed mode, which is where I like it. I absolutely LOVED this game. I checked but I saw no indication of another along this line, but surely they can come up with one!
I absolutely loved this game. It's quick, it's fun and you see the results quickly also. The fact that it has a relaxed mode is all the better. I don't care if I make a gold or expert level like on other games. I just like to play them. It's a light game meaning that you don't have to do a whole of thinking to advance. The graphics are great, the music just right and the characters move more quickly than in Road to Rome which is also a favorite. After 10 minutes on the demo, I had to buy it because I know I'll be playing this many times.