Miriel The Magical Merchant

  • Gripping gameplay
  • Magical upgrades
  • Help Miriel!
Min System request
  • OS : 10.5/OSX_10_4
  • CPU : 800 Mhz
  • Memory : 256
  • Hard driver (MB) : 44

Recensione per gioco: Miriel The Magical Merchant

Entra nel magico mondo di Miriel the Magical Merchant e aiutarla a realizzare il suo sogno di avere una pasticceria! Servire torte, formaggio, pane, torta, mele, fragole e cioccolata calda per i clienti, come si aggiorna il tuo negozio di Miriel incantesimi e abilità. Mantenere i vostri clienti siano felici abilità di Gestione del Tempo, e guadagnare abbastanza soldi per espandere in tutto il regno magico!

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Genere : Arcade e Azione

Metti alla prova capacità di osservazione e manualità nei difficili livelli di questi veloci giochi arcade e azione.

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Описание игры:

Entra nel magico mondo di Miriel e aiutarla a realizzare il suo sogno di avere una pasticceria! Servire torte per i clienti!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Miriel The Magical Merchant game play Miriel The Magical Merchant Giocare.


Good Fun!!!

This game is very addicting!! The only gripe that I have about it, is that you can not redo anything--not the levels, any decisions you make, nothing. So if you are a perfectionist like I am, you're gonna have to get over it. It is still a fun game, however, play for three hours and didn't even know I did! :)

If you liked Cake Mania-You'll like this game too.

A cute story, fairy tale like. You have stores all over the country. You try to make and serve the customers as fast as possible before they get mad. This game is on the same format as Cake Mania. It's a time management game.

Fun Time Management Game!

This game reminded me of the cake mania games, except with a better story and set in a fantasy world with wizards and druid girls. It was neat how the game lets you pick responses to make your character good or evil, although it doesn't change the story so it doesn't matter. This game has exceptionally good music. I think if you like games where you fill orders, you should definitely try this one.

Miriel the Magical Merchant of Awesome

I'll be honest, I have every Miriel game available. On my computer, my phone, my tablet, this series of TM's is one of my absolute favorite. You play as Miriel who has to prepare and serve a vast array of products in order to progress through the storyline. There are hidden object mini games scattered throughout that, even for a HO novice, shouldn't be too much of a challenge. The game even includes recipes for some of the edible items Miriel learns to make. All in all, I think everyone should at least download this game and give the demo a try!

If You Like Magical Themes in Your TM Games, Then Buy It!

Although I suspect that this game has been out for a while, it's a nicely constructed TM game. The gameplay is a bit active and there is much clicking, but you can get the level done with a bit of strategy when it comes to the order of preparing the dishes. The basic idea is to serve the customers - no more than 4 at a time, which is manageable - and develop Miriel's shops around the kingdom. I liked the variety of dishes or recipes that you have to concoct -- the recipe book is readily available if you "forget" which ingredients go in which dish. The storyline is cute, as are the characters. The customers and their attitudes should give you a chuckle as they wait for their orders. I really liked the idea that there were 55+ levels to be played - not bad for a small file game! Certain upgrades automatically happen according to the level you're playing, but others are up to you by playing a minigame. Some strategy is involved in the game, but it's mostly just a nice little TM game that kicks up your adrenaline just a bit! I recommend this game to anyone who likes TM games that can be mastered and replayed -- it's an addictive little game that made me go back to BigFish and buy the sequel! The only thing missing is the whole magic potions part of being a magical merchant - not a big deal but odd.

Beautiful game

One of my all time favorites, a game I return to over and over again to get lost in Miriel's world. The graphics are lovely, the music is gorgeous, and Miriel is a sweet and likeable character. A gentle, fun, quick paced but not frenzied, game that will please any TM player who's looking for something different. As a side note, I found the second in the series very disappointing. Not as pretty, not as much fun, overall just not as interesting. A shame, because the original one is a winner.

Excellent Game - Highly Recommended!

I absolutely love this game. Very exciting & challenging!

great fun

hours of fun. Couldn't wait to own it Loved it.

A disappointment after Heroes of Kalevala

Considering that this time management game came from Myth People, the developers of The Heroes of Kalevala, one of my very favourite match 3 games, I was a bit disappointed when it played more like The Great Chocolate Chase. We have a spunky redhead with a mysterious past, sort of like Evangeline Baumeister, but in a fantasy world setting. Miriel runs a bakery and food store that supplies baking supplies, breads, cakes, and other items they give the recipes for in the game. Considering that Myth People Games is based in Finland, it explians why I did not recognise the names for some of the ingredients in those lists. Miriel hops, literally, around her store levitating items to carry them to the ovens or to the customers, and they ask for basic goods, sweet water, flour, apples, and other little things. There are various customers with cute personalities that have favourite items they prefer to order, and with each new upgrade you buy, you can sell new things, but keeping track of all those items can get frustrating down the line. While the game looks cute, the mechanics needed a smoother feel, and the cash should not disappear right before your eyes. Now if they has some little light fingered thief grab your gold before you could pick it up, that would make for a great twist, but I've yet to see this in a Myth People game. The game has the potential to be more than it is, and there is a sequel, so we can hope to see some kind of improvements up the line. I should look into more games by this company. I just hope they can live up to the great fun I have had with the first game of theirs I have played, many times over.

Good game, would be better with improvments.

This was a fun game until I realized that I couldn't go back and replay levels. For the "100%" perfection folks, this turns into an annoying game pretty quick.

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