Costruttori Del Monumento: Torre Eiffel
- Manage the construction site
- Keep your workers happy
- Finish the Eiffel Tower!
- OS : 10.4
- CPU : 800 Mhz
- Memory : 256
- Hard driver (MB) : 119
Recensione per gioco: Costruttori Del Monumento: Torre Eiffel
Viaggiare attraverso il tempo e la testimonianza di una costruzione storica in Monument Builders: la Torre Eiffel, un fantastico gioco a Gestione del Tempo! Viaggio attraverso le strade del 19 ° secolo Parigi e visitare l'incredibile sito di costruzione della famosa Torre Eiffel. Migliorare i quartieri circostanti per il world expo, fornire le parti per la costruzione del sito, di sviluppare l'economia locale e migliorare le strade, in modo da semplificare il trasporto di materiale in Costruttori del Monumento: Torre Eiffel!
Metti alla prova capacità di osservazione e manualità nei difficili livelli di questi veloci giochi arcade e azione.
3916 Punti
(views: 78)

Viaggiare attraverso il tempo e la testimonianza di una costruzione storica in Monument Builders: la Torre Eiffel, un fantastico gioco a Gestione del Tempo!
AFERON - BigFishGames
Just wondering how many people gave up on this game before it got good. I almost didn't download it because of the negative reviews. The hour trial doesn't even give a hint of how challenging some of the levels are and if anyone says they got to level 4+ on the trial then I don't know how cos I've been playing for a couple of days now and I'm still on 4-3 (and stuck btw) Although there is not the variety of commodities to make like in farm frenzy and not as many building types as in some other TM games, the challenge in this is a logic puzzle and not a speed click thing. Although you do have to be smartish on some of the levels. All in all it doesn't deserve the slating it got in those first reviews and I suspect that some of the reviewers didn't give it a chance.. it's thumbs up from me.
What a great, unique themed game. Lots of fun for hours .... actually now I'm going on days. I didn't think construction work could be so enjoyable and knowledgable. The main thing I really like is that no matter what your speed, you can finish the game. For those that like a challenge, it's also there. I've played through, then came back again to try for gold; so far, no luck on the gold. I guess it's different strokes for different folks, but I like the graphics, gameplay and of the the history lesson. It is definately worth a try.
Loved it! Great ideas and wonderful graphics!
At first I struggled with this game. I was treating it like a time management, but it is acctually more of a strategy game. Once I got used to it I found it fun and challenging. Follow the directions and don't assume you know whats going on and you will have a great game time!
I liked the fact that this game was different that the other games of this type that I have played. It isn't overly simple, but it doesn't start our ridiculously hard.
I think fishies have been fooled by many of reviews because this is not really a building game. This is a delivery type game. There are several other delivery games out there such as the Virtual City series. I am facinated by this game in many repects. The levels can all be completed but if you want Gold you may have to play several times so you can process the correct order of things. The strategy required is very thought provoking. Don't be fooled by the reviews here or on the forum pages because I think too many missed exactly what kind of game this is. I highly recommend this game for those who like a good challenge.
Amazing game. I really loved it. Fantastic levels.
I like this game a lot, but I have to say that it is probably not for die-hard time-management addicts. I suck at most time management games, probably because I'm terrible at multitasking, and the few others I've tried were too stressful to be fun after the first few levels. This game is much easier, particularly since you can move on to the next level as long as you finish, even if you finish late and don't have a great score. The concept is cute, and I like the Eiffel Tower trivia. The graphics are attractive. I've noticed that sometimes an alert graphic will pop up in a funky place around the center of the screen, which is a little annoying. The pause between levels seems rather long. Overall, I would recommend this as a nice game that's something different for those of us who don't usually play time management games.
This is similar to Roads to Rome, etc., but with a Paris theme. You are building the Eiffel Tower, one small piece at a time. You have to repair roads and clear debris at the same time. It does take some strategy, though - deciding what roads to clear first and what factories to build - some you need on certain levels, some you don't. You sometimes can find supplies lying in the road, or you can buy them if you don't want to build a factory to manufacture them. Decisions, decisions! However, I was able to finish all gold in the 1 hour demo, so I would not say this game is too difficult, at least not in the start. Like other reviewers, I found the music and the slowness of the carts somewhat tedious. If I decide to buy this, I will probably turn the music down. It's definitely going on my "maybe" list - I always wait for a sale ;) I would like to see more in this series with different structures being built, or maybe a compilation game with different world monuments.
I enjoyed this game. I must say the level of challenge was not particularly high but sometimes that is nice when you want to have some fun. I also liked that it was educational with all the information about the Eiffel Tower included within the game. If the Eiffel Tower is ever a Category on Jeopardy, I'm ready! I was able to get gold on all the levels except the two where you have to do a great deal of clicking to kill some thieves. All that multiple clicking is difficult for me, makes me lose all the sensation in my fingers. However on the whole it was not a major click fest as some of these games tend to run. The levels were repetitive at times but each one had its own set goal and gave you something to work for as I enjoy those type of challenges: here is your goal now go accomplish it. I have played better games in this genre and I have played worse. I'd say this one is good if you are getting tired of all the HOGs and need a break. Enjoy!