- 250 Levels
- Vivid graphics
- Simple controls
- Play Running Sheep
- OS : 10.7/10.6/10.5
- CPU : 1.2 GHz (INTEL ONLY)
- Memory : 1024
- Hard driver (MB) : 27
Recensione per gioco: Racchiusi
Racchiusi è un avvincente rompicapo con controlli semplici, immagini vivide, e di 250 livelli. È meraviglioso per il divertimento di tutta la famiglia! Il gioco è un semplice rompicapo costituito da piccoli labirinti che sono riempiti con vari ostacoli. L'obiettivo del giocatore è sicuro di portare le pecore sotto la sua cura attraverso i labirinti. Si sarà in grado di guidare le pecore tutti la strada di casa?
Metti alla prova capacità di osservazione e manualità nei difficili livelli di questi veloci giochi arcade e azione.
3755 Punti
(views: 102)

Racchiusi è un avvincente rompicapo con controlli semplici, immagini vivide, e di 250 livelli. È meraviglioso per il divertimento di tutta la famiglia!
AFERON - BigFishGames
Bright colourful puzzle game. The premis of the game is to get all your sheep home safely using arrows to show them the way which can be removed and used further on, while avoiding potholes and obstacles and collecting coins. There is no untimed option unfortunately and you have to complete each level before you can proceed, the timer is fairly generous though. You can redo a level if you want to improve your score. There is no map, so if you want to redo a level you'll have to scroll backwards to find the level, or do it there and then This is only my second timed game and I'm quite enjoying the change so I don't really know what seasoned 'timed players' look for, but I'm enjoying this one...
I had a very difficult time getting the arrows to turn, and thought the designer should have given us a better (MUCH better) means, like, for example, using the arrow keys instead of click/drag. Also, the complete lack of language was a little off-putting.... forcing the player to hunt and peck thru mysterious icons to navigate and figure out the rules. I suggest you turn off the music instantly, or you will want to bash your speakers with a hammer in about 30-90 seconds.
This is a good logic game. Other reviewers complained about arrow placement, but I believe the developers did a great job in designing the arrows. Any other way would be too slow. It does take a little time to get used to, but thank goodness I don't have to click three times to get the arrow going in the correct direction. Suggestion: before playing a level, look at the preview of the level and plan your strategy. To get the purple ribbon, you must save all sheep, get rid of all wolves and collect all coins before the time runs out. But never fear, if you fail a level you can retry it as many times as you like. Transporters appear in level 100 (of 250). Enjoy!
For ages 8 and up. You have to think ahead to know how to place the arrows to save the sheep, and get rid of the wolves.
This is what the first Running Sheep game should have been like! They must have been listening to our views on the first game. Same control system but when you get used to it it's ok. To turn the arrow take your controller into the adjacent square in the direction you wish your sheep to go. No difficulty control and no option for untimed either but on the whole (at least to the end of my free hour) it was workable. I have one little niggle, it hasn't stopped me purchasing it though, the sound effects at the end of each level are too loud.
Loved chasing the sheep round the fields. Lots of silly fun.
Get the sheep home safe from the wolves. Its even fun if a wolf gets one to see them fly off the screen. Played my free hour and found myself using the game credit I was saving for another game. Really like he wolfe growls.
this is a game i would love to play ~ esp. to zone out and unwind~ however it is timed~ and that ruins it for me..esp. if im zoneing my brain is slower :) so i dont play as fast. So for me i wont buy it only for this reason. I will submit i recommend this game~ IF you dont mind timed games~
This had the potential to be a really great game. The levels vary from easy to difficult, but not progressive. The music is repetitive, but the graphics are decent for this style game. It is somewhat challenging to earn all Purple Ribbons on all 250 levels. Coins are randomly placed, so that gives a slightly different challenge when replaying the level to earn the top ribbon. The ending scene is adorable and made me smile.
I usually play TM or HO games. I'm not usually a fan of arcade or strategy games - but this game is just plain fun! It is a nice change for me from the games I typically play. I used one of my credits before the hour trial ran out. I didn't play the first game (didn't know there had been an earlier game, which I will also check out!), so I don't know how many elements were common between the two. That said, a "how to play" page would have been nice - for instance, explaining the "enemies" and traps. Even a simple one-pager would be better than nothing at all. The little sheep are really cute, and I don't know why it should be fun to herd them through the little mazes, but it is. Then again, I was a huge fan of a long-ago game called Factory, which featured similar mechanics. Maybe it's the whole conveyor-belt-like setup. It's a simple premise, but one that is adaptable to seemingly endless variations. This game is really fun and amusing, and since there are 250 levels (!) I look forward to spending a lot of time with it!